Monday, December 17, 2012


Take a look at this upcoming Superman from Sideshow Collectibles D/C 1/6 scale figures. Love this head sculpt!  D/C has truly stepped up their game. These figures which include, Superman, Batman and Catwoman are based on the cartoon version of the characters.

I'm also loving the muscular action figure body on this one. the costume is classic Superman too.

Batman looks great in his classic costume as well. Hoping the finished products look this good.

Wow! I am really nerding out over this Catwoman! Her costume looks awesome! Face sculpt is perfect! This is what I envision Catwoman looking like, not Anne Hathaway's version.

I want to get all three of these figures but, if I can only get two, it'll be Superman and Catwoman. If it's only'll be CATWOMAN.  I'm loving her new 52 comic.

I read that they are also playing on releasing 1/6 scale Arkham Asylum figures! Seriously!
