Friday, September 30, 2011


I absolutely love these shoes. I have a pair of plastic black converse like sneakers for my female figure from Hot Toys but, these are just too sweet!

It looks like these will be offered in some of the same colors as the plastic version offered by TTL earlier this year. I'm glad I didn't order those as these are more realistic.

I'll have to go to the TTL site to see if they are offering the pants, belt and tank top also. I have the Cuban Hot Toys female depicted in these photos and the clothes look like they would fit her great. I like the hard edge they give her. Since I'm a writer, I like kick ass females, even my action figures. LOL

I have the hardest time finding clothes for my female action figures. I guess because there aren't nearly as many female action figures as male. I had been stealing some of Ken's shoes for them. (Ken and Barbie)

I'm just glad that TTL is putting out some different choices for female figures. Some of us action figure collectors are female you know.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jones Retains Title!!!

Bones Jones shuts Rampage's big mouth! Yes!!! And retains title. Off to work now.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spiderman Ultimate Custom

Found  custom Miles Ultimate Spiderman action figure, the new Spiderman.

This custom by Raybot customs looks awesome. The headsculpt looks great!

Here is a pic with the Spidey head. I'm really hoping Marvel comes out with this one. I'd hate to have to pay for a custom.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Superman action figures

Here is a pic of my Superman collection. I am missing the iconic classic six inch Superman. It seems my Ex friend has it at the office without my permission. I think that is called stealing. Anyway, the small 10 inch Superman is based on Brandon Routh and Superman Returns. The 13 inch Superman is also. The last one in the back is from DC direct and is 12 inches. He's based on the classic Superman comic. I would die for the Hot Toys Christopher Reid. But like I said before, I'm a action figure collector on a budget.

Hopefully, they will come out with a Superman based on the new movie that is coming out in 2013.

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With all the new superhero movies in the works, I am expecting we will get quite a few movie based figures. The new Superman movie isn't for release until 2013 but, here is a peek at Henry Cavill in the new suit.

I imagine we will get some version of the new Superman in an action figure. I am looking forward to seeing how they handle it.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


With the Avengers movie now in production, I couldn't resist. Wish I could find a 12 inch Black Widow and Hawkeye to go along with my 12 inch Icons.
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Okay, quick post here. I saw this action figure for $150 at a online toy store. I paid ten bucks ($10) for this figure. I found it at Kmart. It's a roto figure made with light hollow plastic. It's a nice figure for my Spiderman collection and I really like it but $150 when the original price was $10 bucks?

In this picture I have Symbiote Spiderman standing behind unmasked Marvel Icon Spiderman. Which by the way is way better quality than the roto House Of M Spiderman. And I only paid $36 for it. The Icons usually run $15 but, Spidey was difficult to find.

Don't get me wrong, I love my roto Spiderman figures, I just don't want people getting ripped off by sellers trying to take advantage. Ten or fifteen dollars is cool but, $150? I don't think so.


P.S. The House of M Spiderman was taken from an action figure website, not the seller.

Monday, September 19, 2011


All I can say is...I'm praying for an action figure based on this costume. Please, please, please Marvel!!!

Photos from Toy News International.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've been really lucky lately, with action figure hunting that is. My local Walmart is carrying the new Ironman II movie action figures and I was able to pick up Ironman Mark V! This figure has been out for a while. That's why I'm lucky. I also saw the Mark VI but, I haven't grabbed that one yet. Surprisingly today, I was at my local Walmart and they had restocked with about 8-10 new Mark V's.

The figure comes with the case that you see in the picture and three pairs of hands! I'm like Moggie215 on Youtube. You gotta love the hands. You can get so many poses with extra hands. Please continue with the hands Hasbro if you not going to give us articulated fingers. Also picked up War Machine three weeks ago from Ironman II movie figures.

Here's a pic of the Mark V, War Machine and Marvel Legends Series 9 build a figure Galactus series.

War Machine came with extra hands too! Yay, Hasbro!

Here is a better look at War Machine.

My ratings on the figures:


Love the look of this figure. He looks like a miniture version of the suit Tony Stark wore in Iron II. Love the extra hands and movie authentic briefcase accessory.
Love the paint color and application. (Not a lot of color bleeding)
Love the repuslor color application. Makes it seem like it's glowing and getting ready to fire.
Love the slim/skinny apperance of the figure itself.

Hate that the pegs of the hands come out easy and hang out of the arms without fully inserting.
Hate that the beautiful paint job is starting to chip and scracth off already with very little malnipulation.
Hate the lack of articulation of the feet. That really sucks!
Hate the that the legs are difficult to reposition and pose.
Hate the non-waist articulation

Overall rating: 2.5 out of a possible 6

War Machine
Love the sculpt
Love the pain applications
Love the extra hands
Love the movie accuracy
Love the mobility of War Machine's rotating shoulder machine gun (Can be positioned on either side and also tilts.)

Only one complaint. Articulation is decreased due to his heavy armor. Hasbro may not be able to fix this due to the heavy duty armor that is War Machine. Would be nice if they could. Oh, maybe one more complaint. War Machine should be 12 inches because he is so bad ass.

Overall rating: 4.5 out of a possible 6



This pic is BJ Penn still trapped in his box.

I found this UFC Series 3 BJ Penn action figure at a discount store for only $7.99! He is going for as much as $30 online. I also picked up Shogun Rua for the same price. I hope to get my action figure reviews up and going again. My camera is down. I am really surprised how much I like these figures. They stand alittle over 7 inches tall.

These little guys look so much like the fighters they represent, it makes me think of the website, THAT'S MY FACE. Which is a website that will produce an action figure of anyone that can afford it. (maybe one day, I'll send them a picture and have my own little mini-me:)

I will have to say, as a action figure collector on a budget, I can't believe I passed these little guys up. Especially since I'm a big UFC fan. My favorite fighter is Lyoto "The Dragon Machida!

 So, he is the next UFC action figure that I'm hot for. He is kind of cute too. Sorry, back on subject. Here's a picture of his action figure.

Yeah I know but, he is only an action figure. Anyway, I am in love with the articulation of these tiny titans. And with each series that drops, Jaks Pacific is getting better and better. The face sculpts are dead on and if the man has a tattoo, so does the action figure like Shogun Rua series 3 that I also picked up with BJ.

You can just see the right shin tat and he also sports a tat on both inner arms. I would die and go to heaven if they released these figures in 1/6 scale with the same amount or more articulation. (Hint: finger articulation or more hands!) I'd be willing to pay as much as $30-40 dollars for those.

Got to go now.


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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I wasn't ao lucky with someone cutting the stem on my tire yesterday but, after getting it fixed, I thought I would go action figure hunting. I found the IRONMAN 2 MOVIE MARK V! This figure has been out for a while so, I was lucky to find it. I am going to start posting you tube reviews soon, I promise.
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

I don't usually collect six inch action figures but, this War Machine is completely bad ass. I don't care if he stands a mere Six inches. I will definitely get a review up on this one. I am going to get the Ironman Mark5 to display with him.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011


Wow! I usually don't collect 6 inch figures but, I found this War machine, I had to have it! The detail is amazing! And Batgirl is just freaking cool. This one is from the Legacy Edition line of DC action figures. I am going to open War Machine after dinner. Batgirl will have to wait. I won't be opening her unless I find one to keep mint in the box. Now all I need is Catwowan.
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