Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This pic is BJ Penn still trapped in his box.

I found this UFC Series 3 BJ Penn action figure at a discount store for only $7.99! He is going for as much as $30 online. I also picked up Shogun Rua for the same price. I hope to get my action figure reviews up and going again. My camera is down. I am really surprised how much I like these figures. They stand alittle over 7 inches tall.

These little guys look so much like the fighters they represent, it makes me think of the website, THAT'S MY FACE. Which is a website that will produce an action figure of anyone that can afford it. (maybe one day, I'll send them a picture and have my own little mini-me:)

I will have to say, as a action figure collector on a budget, I can't believe I passed these little guys up. Especially since I'm a big UFC fan. My favorite fighter is Lyoto "The Dragon Machida!

 So, he is the next UFC action figure that I'm hot for. He is kind of cute too. Sorry, back on subject. Here's a picture of his action figure.

Yeah I know but, he is only an action figure. Anyway, I am in love with the articulation of these tiny titans. And with each series that drops, Jaks Pacific is getting better and better. The face sculpts are dead on and if the man has a tattoo, so does the action figure like Shogun Rua series 3 that I also picked up with BJ.

You can just see the right shin tat and he also sports a tat on both inner arms. I would die and go to heaven if they released these figures in 1/6 scale with the same amount or more articulation. (Hint: finger articulation or more hands!) I'd be willing to pay as much as $30-40 dollars for those.

Got to go now.


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