I've been really lucky lately, with action figure hunting that is. My local Walmart is carrying the new Ironman II movie action figures and I was able to pick up Ironman Mark V! This figure has been out for a while. That's why I'm lucky. I also saw the Mark VI but, I haven't grabbed that one yet. Surprisingly today, I was at my local Walmart and they had restocked with about 8-10 new Mark V's.
The figure comes with the case that you see in the picture and three pairs of hands! I'm like Moggie215 on Youtube. You gotta love the hands. You can get so many poses with extra hands. Please continue with the hands Hasbro if you not going to give us articulated fingers. Also picked up War Machine three weeks ago from Ironman II movie figures.
Here's a pic of the Mark V, War Machine and Marvel Legends Series 9 build a figure Galactus series.
War Machine came with extra hands too! Yay, Hasbro!
Here is a better look at War Machine.
My ratings on the figures:
Love the look of this figure. He looks like a miniture version of the suit Tony Stark wore in Iron II. Love the extra hands and movie authentic briefcase accessory.
Love the paint color and application. (Not a lot of color bleeding)
Love the repuslor color application. Makes it seem like it's glowing and getting ready to fire.
Love the slim/skinny apperance of the figure itself.
Hate that the pegs of the hands come out easy and hang out of the arms without fully inserting.
Hate that the beautiful paint job is starting to chip and scracth off already with very little malnipulation.
Hate the lack of articulation of the feet. That really sucks!
Hate the that the legs are difficult to reposition and pose.
Hate the non-waist articulation
Overall rating: 2.5 out of a possible 6
War Machine
Love the sculpt
Love the pain applications
Love the extra hands
Love the movie accuracy
Love the mobility of War Machine's rotating shoulder machine gun (Can be positioned on either side and also tilts.)
Only one complaint. Articulation is decreased due to his heavy armor. Hasbro may not be able to fix this due to the heavy duty armor that is War Machine. Would be nice if they could. Oh, maybe one more complaint. War Machine should be 12 inches because he is so bad ass.
Overall rating: 4.5 out of a possible 6