Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My...it's been a while since I have been able to add to my 1/6 action figure collection. Nothing since last Christmas when I purchase Bruce Lee for a present for myself.

Well, I've been wanting this guy...for a long time.

But, I'm trying to pay off some bills and he goes for $109. I could use that money on my bills so, I haven't ordered him. Well, yesterday, I saw his on Monkey Depot.

Yes, I know he's naked! But, I got him for $25. I wasn't really all that excited about the military get up anyway. I was more interested in the face sculpt and body. I'll buy clothes for him.

I'll also be interested in this guy when he comes available.

I am also needing to replace two of my female action figure bodies. One of the figures, my daughter was swinging it around by her hand and broke the hand off. The other body just fell apart all by it's self.
Wish these female bodies were available now.

That's all for now.
