Here is a picture of my repaired Hot Toys Truetype Obama figure raising his repaired left arm. Broken arm and all, he's still one of my favorite figures. Who wouldn't want a mini-Obama for their one sixth collection.
I am still sold on Hot Toys. Their skill in producing face sculpts that look like the characters they are reproducing is unmatched. This Obama is the best sculpt out there. They've got him down from slightly over sized ears to the creased brow and look of concern that he usually wears when making a important point during a speech. Here is a close-up below so you can see what I mean.
The skin tone is not exact. President Obama is lighter toned than the figure and he is missing his beauty mark on the left side of his face just above his left nare.
Boasting 38 points of articulation is awesome but, breaking on the first pose isn't. Over the years Hot Toys has made major improvements on their basic figure and taken the advice of collectors by improving weak joints, changing the plastic composition and offering different skin tones and body types. I am confident that the areas of weak articulation points will be corrected also. Especially since they are going up in price for their basic figures. Hot Toys has a pretty good reputation for delivering top quality products.